Supima® Gabardine
Certified 100% Organic
Cotton Twill
Petit Point Pique
Birdseye Pique
Honeycomb Pique
Combed Cotton Ripstop
Denim Fabric, 100% Cotton Denim
59" Wide - $11.00/yd -
Weight 8 oz.
Lime |
Sage |
Dark Green |
Jalapeno |
Olivewood |
Gold |
Mustard |
Ivory |
Khaki |
Cinder |
Metal |
Orange |
Red |
Terra Cotta |
Red Berry |
Brick |
Burgundy |
Pink |
Light Blue |
Blueberry |
Royal |
Navy |
Purple |
Maize |
Lemon |
Nutmeg |
Espresso |
Midnight |
100% Cotton Indigo
59" Wide - $13.00/yd -
Weight 8 oz.
Medium |
Light |
The word denim originates from a durable material known as
serge, which was first manufactured in de Nîmes, France, by the
André family, and was originally called Serge de Nîmes, which
over time was shortened to denim.
Denim is a rugged cotton twill textile, where the weft threads
go under two or more warp threads. This twill weaving process
produces the familiar diagonal lines traditionally found in the
material. Denim and the cotton fabric called duck are often
confused with each other; however duck does not have the
diagonal stripes that are found in denim which is the
distinguishing difference.
Another characteristic associated with denim is that only the
warp threads are dyed, whereas the weft threads remain white. As
a result of the warp-faced twill weaving, one side of the fabric
shows the blue warp threads, and the other side shows the white
weft threads. This is why blue jeans are usually white on the
inside and this is also the reason why their fading
characteristics are so unique in comparison to most other
Denim has been in use in America as far back as the late 1700’s.
Denim was traditionally colored blue with indigo dye to produce
blue "jeans". The modern use of the word jean originates from
the French word for Genoa, Italy (Gênes), the place that the
first denim trousers were made. Today, denim is available in a
wide range of colors.
Dry Denim or Raw Denim
Dry Denim or Raw Denim is when the denim material is left
unwashed after the dying process.
Clothing made in dry or raw denim will fade over time during the
use of the garment. This type of fading is very popular because
the fading is unique to the wearer. Normal wear of this type of
fabric will create common fading areas where there is stress to
the denim. These areas are typically found on the upper thighs,
known as whiskers, the ankles, known as stacks, and behind the
knees called honeycombs.
Today’s factories now make non dry denim to replicate the
desirable distressed and faded look of dry denim that is created
by normal wear over time. This is done in the manufacturing
process by creating strategically placed fading and distressed
marks. Although the distressed marks of non dry denim are not
unique to the wearer, this finishing process is extremely
Selvage Denim
The term selvage, sometimes spelled selvedge, derives from the
term “self-edge” which is the finished woven edge that runs the
length of the fabric. Selvage denim fabric is made on old-style
shuttle looms. These shuttle looms weave the yarns using one
continuous weft, or cross thread that goes back and forth for
the full length of the fabric creating a clean self edge or
selvage. The shuttle loom produces a narrow width fabric, about
30”, so it takes more fabric yardage to make a pair of jeans,
about three yards or so.
To make use of all of the fabric and cut down on waste, the
outside edge of the pant pattern was usually placed on the
selvage edge to maximize the yield. After the jeans were sewn
together, the bottom hem could be cuffed up to reveal the
selvage edge on the outside seam.
Fabric manufacturers’ differentiate different quality fabrics by
weaving the selvage in different colors such as green, yellow,
brown, white, and the most common being red.
Traditionally, most selvage jeans were dyed using natural indigo
dye. Today, however, synthetic dyes are commonly used. The
chemical makeup of both dyes are similar, however the natural
indigo dye has more impurities.
The demand for jeans increased in the 1950’s, so American fabric
mills changed from using the old shuttle looms to more modern
projectile looms which produced fabric at a much faster rate,
and widths as wide as 60” or more. The synthetic dying process
and post-dye techniques were used to keep shrinkage to a
Selvage denim is always more expensive because of the process
involved in producing the desired durability of the selvage edge
that never frays.
In response to increased demand for jeans in the 1950s, American
denim manufacturers replaced the old shuttle style looms with
modern projectile looms. The new looms produced fabric faster
and wider (60 inches or wider). Synthetic dying techniques along
with post-dye treatments were introduced to control shrink and
Selvage denim is one of the more expensive denims because of its
durability, and self-edge that will never fray.